How to fix a washing machine that won’t spin

Person loading washing into a washing machine with a dog watching.
(Image credit: Getty)

Knowing how to fix a washing machine that won't spin is crucial, as even the best washing machine that doesn't spin simply won't clean your clothes properly. Washing machines spin to clean every item of laundry while also removing any excess water at the end of a cycle, which can greatly reduce the amount of time taken for the clothes to dry. When your clothes are too wet, they can often develop unpleasant odors during the drying process and can even harbor bacteria or mildew.

We frequently rely on the best top load washers and the best front load washers to keep our clothes fresh, so it can often be frustrating when your washing machine won't spin correctly. 

If your washing machine is not spinning and you want to know how to fix it, then you have come to the right place. In this guide, we'll show you how to diagnose and fix a number of common issues that can cause your washing machine to stop spinning. If your washing machine has a more serious problem than the ones listed below, then we would recommend consulting a professional, as it can be dangerous to expose the components and mechanisms within your washing machine without the correct knowledge.  

Luke Gammons
Luke Gammons

Luke Gammons is a third-generation owner of Wades Group Ltd, a home appliance store established in 1918. Luke has been installing and maintaining washing machines for over 20 years and has an extensive online presence in this field, giving advice on TikTok to over 28,000 followers. 

How to fix a washing machine that won't spin

1. Double check the door is shut

If your washing machine door is not properly closed, it will often not begin the washing or spinning cycle. Ensure that the door is properly closed and try again. 

2. Distribute laundry evenly

If your laundry is piled onto one side of the drum, then it might stop your machine from spinning. Ensure that the laundry is evenly spread across the drum so that the components are not weighed down. 

3. Straighten out the water hose 

If there is a kink in the hose, then it can stop your washing machine from receiving the amount of water required to make it spin. Check the entirety of the hose for any kinks or bends that could restrict the water flow. 

4. Check that your drainage system is working 

If the water is not draining correctly, then it can stop your machine from spinning properly. Check for any blockages in the drainage system. They can often be caused by screws, coins, buttons, or a build-up of lint.

5. Take a look at the drive belt

A broken drive belt can stop your washing machine from being able to spin. Check your washing machine's manual and locate the drive belt. Once you have found it, look for any damage and make sure it hasn't slipped off the pulley wheel. 

6. Unlock your machine

Washing Machine Expert, Luke Gammons says: "If you have had an electrical surge, then your machine may have locked up. Unplug your machine from the wall and manually drain the drum. If the machine still does not spin, then you may have a technical problem". 

7. Don't use too much detergent 

Excessive suds from soap or detergent can make the machine take longer to drain, which will stop the machine from spinning until it's fully drained. If your machine has an excess build-up of foam, give it time to absorb it and see if it spins again. 

8. Avoid washing too many towels together

If you wash too many towels or other absorbent things together, then the load may become too heavy during the washing cycle as it will pick up a lot of water. If this happens, then it will put too much pressure on the drum and may make the load uneven, causing the machine not to spin. To avoid this, try to wash towels and other absorbent items in small batches so that you don't overload your machine. 

9. Check your washing machine manual

Your washing machine manual may have some steps on how to fix common problems, such as a machine not spinning. Sometimes, there are ways to reboot the machine's software, which can help to clear some glitches or faults that may stop it from spinning. 

10. Consult a professional 

Some problems with your washing machine may be too complex or too dangerous to fix by yourself. If this is the case, we recommend calling a professional to come and take a look. A washing machine not spinning can also be caused by software problems, which are things that you can't fix at home, so contacting the manufacturers or a local professional is necessary. 

When consulting a professional, be sure to check your washing machine's warranty, as a lot of the time, it will be covered, and you won't have to spend money to get the problem fixed. 

Monib Zahdeh
TTR Staff Writer

Monib is a former staff writer for Top Ten Reviews. He has a degree in journalism and over four years of experience in the home and garden industry as a Digital Content Specialist for the made-to-measure marketplace Britannia Rose. When he is not reading or writing, Monib enjoys cooking, going on walks, and visiting different historical sites.  

With contributions from